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The Fruits of War

Loss, abstract art by Marten Jansen
"The Fruits of War" is the title of a series of paintings that aims to emphasize the causal connection between political decisions and human consequences. We note that it makes no difference whether or not a politician states his/her intention to avoid civilian casualties in armed conflicts. To each death multiple personal dramas and shattered lives are connected, the father that picks up his son from the rubble, the children that search in vain for their deceased parents. Every war affects at least two generations.
80 x 118 cm
oils and acrylics on canvas
The Fruits of War
Because the lower part of this painting is sketchy, the photographic image doesn't convey it's meaning accurately. I have therefore included a magnified detail, which can be reached by clicking on the image on the right. After viewing the image, please return to this page and see if it changes your perception of the painting as a whole.
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© pictoright/Marten Jansen 2004-2025