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Iconic Immigrant

Iconic Immigrant, abstract painting by Marten Jansen
The depersonalization by publicity is the theme of this painting. It depicts an impression of the well known photo of an immigrant family in the United States. If I have understood a television interview with one of the children, who is now an elderly lady, correctly, the family has never been able to escape poverty. Through the photo it has had its 15 minutes of fame many times over, but to the unsuspecting individual it may defy logic when publicity does or does not mean recognition. Everyone has seen the photo, everyone has identified with the family, but the real-life individuals remain irrelevant publicity-wise. This separation between the icon and the individual is reminiscent of one of humanities oldest rituals: the religious human sacrifice.
I have faded out the mother's face so as to emphasize the aspect of depersonalization.

75 x 104 cm
oils & acrylics on canvas
created: 2010

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© pictoright/Marten Jansen 2004-2025